
careersgen.com is committed to ensure the safety of its users. To provide the safest possible environment, we recommend our users to take care of few simple security precautions for a safe user experience.
There may be instances that users may receive fraudulent emails that appear as if it came from careersgen.com asking for their login details.
To avoid misuse of your careersgen.com account, please follow the following safety tips:
1. Do NOT reply to the email.
2. Do NOT send any of your personal/ ID details
3. Do NOT enter any of your details on the pages provided by links in the mail
If you have sent any such information without being aware of the scam content of the mail, we urge you to change your password IMMEDIATELY.
Please note that we will NEVER ask your password in an email. |
Samples of fraudulent emails: |
From: careersgen.com
Date: Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 9:15 AM
Subject: Dear Customer
To: Dear Customer
This message is from careersgen to all employers that registered with careersgen.com. We are currently carrying out maintenance excise to improve our quality service. We need you to confirm your Employee's/Recruiters' account. Please Click the Link below to confirm your account.
Warms Regards,
careersgen.com Team |
Samples of fraudulent emails: |
Sent: September 9, 2012 5:04 PM
To: info@tcs.co.in
Subject: NOTICE
Your Cv has just been selected from careersgen India for Interview in TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICE.We are offering employment in top positions for our Various offices in India.50 Candidates have been shortlisted for Interview which will take place at our head office in Delhi on 22nd Sept. 2012. 50 candidates have been shortlisted and only 45 will be given employment.We are looking for professionals in Various fields.Your air ticket and documents to attend the interview shall be sent to your designated address via courier before interview date.
Our salary and other company benefits ranges from Rs 70,000 to Rs 300,000 PM.You shall also be expected to come with the Original copies of your credentials as stated in your RESUME with careersgen India.You are expected to make REFUNDABLE cash deposit of Rs 17,600 as an initial amount in favour our company's accountant name.Its an initial security deposit.The management of TCS shall pay all expenditure to you at the time of face to face meeting at our head office in Bangalore.
Your Job profile, salary offer, and date -time of interview will be mentioned in the documents that will be sent to you alongside your air ticket.Your air ticket and other documents shall be dispatched to your designated address via Blue Dart Courier upon the confirmation of your security deposit in our account that shall be issued to you in the next mail.The last date for payment of security deposit is 13th Sept 2012.
NB: You are advised to reconfirm your full name, mailing address and phone number in your reply mail.Also,if you are selected or not your Rs 17,600 shall be refunded to you at the time of face to face meeting.The amount is just to prove that you will be coming for the interview in order for us not to run at loss after sending you the air ticket and you don't show up on the day of interview.You are permitted to chose your job location after interview.
Mr.Rohit Prakash
Senior H.R Manager